Thursday, August 11, 2011

Fork Ink

It's hard sometimes. Being the avid fork enthusiast. You feel alone, I get it. I've been there. Felt what you've felt. The rest of the world, clambering mindlessly over the draw of a cheap spoon or knife thrill. It seems as though the simple elegance of the fork has been lost on the world. Comparable to the television shows of old like MacGuyver, The A-Team, and who could forget, Knight Rider. Oh KITT, how you used to tickle the subtle fancy of my soul. Classics however, seemed to have been lost and forgotten like the appeal of the unforgettable fork. Spoons and knives have taken the limelight just as reality television and re-makes of classic movies and television shows have. These new movies and shows have no purpose but to suck the unsuspecting into their sticky, fleshy, amorphous orifice that the writers and directors call groundbreaking originality. Spoons and knives are no different you see.

This is why I must exist. I must continue to exaggerate, enunciate, and communicate the real importance that forks hold in our humble existence here on earth. Now...I used to believe I was alone in this mission to open the eyes of the masses. BUT! I am pleased to have stumbled upon a few others. A few others that not only share the love I have with the noble fork, but went so far as to make it a permanent part of their lives. Enjoy.

Although in the company of a spoon and knife, this man clearly recognizes the greatness of the fork as well, and to that I salute him.

Vintage fork. Look at that detail!

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